Competitive Process

The following types of solicitations are used for the purpose of obtaining competitive pricing and quality supplies and services:

  1. Formal Processes (Used on all acquisitions estimated over $100,000)
    1. Invitations to Bid
      1. Public notice is published on the State of Alaska “online Public Notice” system website for a minimum of 21 days from date of issue.
      2. A public bid opening is conducted and the results made available for public inspection.
      3. Award is made to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder, with some preference given to qualified Alaskan bidders, unless otherwise prohibited by the funding source.
    2. Requests for Proposals (Used when the invitation to bid method is not practicable.)
      1. Public notice is published on the State of Alaska “online Public Notice” system website for a minimum of 21 days from date of issue.  
      2. Proposals are received, evaluated, scored, and ranked by a committee, with some preference given to qualified Alaskan offerors, unless otherwise prohibited by the funding source. Negotiations are conducted with the highest ranked proposer.
      3. If negotiations are successful, award is made to the highest ranked proposer. If unsuccessful with the highest ranked proposer, negotiations are terminated. Then negotiations with the second highest ranked proposer may be conducted, and so on.
      4. This is a negotiated process; therefore, all evaluations, scorings, and negotiations are kept confidential until after award of a contract. However, the recommended awardee's proposal may be reviewed by a competing proponent, after issuance of an intent to award by the procurement department.
  2. Informal Processes (May be used on acquisitions estimated at $100,000 or less)
    1. Request for Quotations
      1. An informal written solicitation primarily used for small construction projects, services and supplies with lengthy specifications, and other small but more complex requirements.
      2. After the due date is passed, quotes are evaluated and award made to the low responsive and responsible offeror, with some preference given to qualified Alaskan offerors.
    2. Other Methods (Telephone, Facsimile or Verbal)
      1. Whenever practicable at least three quotes are solicited.
      2. Quotes received are evaluated and award made to the low responsive and responsible offeror, with some preference given to Alaska offerors, unless otherwise prohibited by the funding source.
      3. A record is made of all quotes solicited/received and is available for public inspection.