Support HB 122

HB 122, initially aimed at authorizing the Alaska Railroad Corporation to issue bonds for replacing its passenger dock terminal, has received an important amendment spearheaded by Representative Tom McKay. The amendment, if passed, would enable bonds to be issued for critical minerals and rare earth element projects by AIDEA.

"The amended HB 122 addresses a time-sensitive need in Alaska's infrastructure financing. As federal programs for energy and critical minerals are approaching their sunset in the next few years, Alaska must be ready to leverage funding for federal match requirements. The issuance of bonds by AIDEA Satisfies federal match requirements, alleviates capital budget pressures during revenue shortfalls, and enables revenue for the state. AIDEA Supports the amended HB 122 that will ultimately lead to jobs and economic opportunities for our state," said Randy Ruaro, Executive Director of AIDEA.





  • I express my support for the amended HB 122, recognizing the importance of critical mineral bond funding in Alaska. 

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